Access Keys:

St John the Baptist PS, Roscor, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh

Confirmation Class

23rd Apr 2024

The boys and girls from P7 had a very busy weekend preparing for their upcoming confirmation. On Friday together with Mrs Brown and Miss Johnston they went to Lough Derg for a retreat.  We were joined by St Davogs and St Martins and a lovely respectful and spiritual day was had by all. We discussed the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, we learnt the different types of prayer and the importance of each of them. We had a competition building a free standing tower made from newspaper and tape, where our boys and girls came 3rd. From this we learned the importance of a strong foundation. We decorated our jam jars to create beautiful unique candle holders and after lunch we had a tour of the basicilia, learning all about the history. The day was finished off with a trip to the shop to spend as much money as possible. 

Then on Sunday we had our enrolment and pledge mass in Toura with Fr McManus. Thanks to Mrs Brown for preparing the pupils soo well, it was clear that a lot of work had gone on behind the scenes. We are very proud of our P7 pupils for their fantastic behaviour and for the beautiful prayers of the faithful. The staff on the day received great compliments from both Fr McManus and the congregation.